That's probably going to be my next project. There's a bunch of space down there, and although realistically I should go back to the northern section and finish exploring it. See, what you couldn't tell from the pictures I took was how sketchy the whole area looks when you're there. Being there made me a little uneasy, though admittedly I AM a pansy white boy and therefore have no guts, much less the street smarts to know when to be brave and stick with it and when to high-tail it out of there.
Map Here
So I was there, going north on my way, and made it to the funny roundabout looking thing not very far down the line. My next project will be significantly more ambitious, and will probably take place this coming Tuesday, since that's the next block of significant free time that I have running around my schedule. That said, there's about six times the amount of walkable track to the south that there is to the north, so this should be a much longer walk. What this means in practice is that I'll need a lunch that can be eaten while walking, since out of the hour I spent by the tracks last time, about twenty minutes of that was spent eating and sitting. Now, assuming that I have about time and a half within which to walk, I'd have a total of an hour and a half. So if I hit the tracks at 1:00, and walk for an hour and a half, I'd get back to my starting point about 4:00. No good. So I guess I've still only got maybe an hour of walking time.
But that's three miles I can go, not counting time spent taking pictures... but that's negligible. All in all, I just did the math in Google Earth, I end up walking the better part of the walkable distance on those tracks in one day. That said, the last time I spent less than an hour walking, and made it significantly less than three miles. In fact, I barely even made it .8 miles. This is a big problem. So, I guess a week from today will be the big test to see how well I can gauge my walking speed. I'm pretty sure it was 3 miles an hour... considering I did two and a half in 40-45 minutes pretty regularly, it might even be faster than that. We'll just see, won't we? Not something for the faint of heart, I guess.
So, Greenway South, the 6th of November, 2007. I might not have pictures, I've heard that November in Vancouver is pretty rainy. So... with luck, I will. Without it... I may not even take the hike. But now that it comes to it, I'll want this to be a rain or shine sort of affair. After all, rain won't wait if it comes when I'm on the road to Duluth, now will it?
Vancouver branch, over and out.
Map Here
So I was there, going north on my way, and made it to the funny roundabout looking thing not very far down the line. My next project will be significantly more ambitious, and will probably take place this coming Tuesday, since that's the next block of significant free time that I have running around my schedule. That said, there's about six times the amount of walkable track to the south that there is to the north, so this should be a much longer walk. What this means in practice is that I'll need a lunch that can be eaten while walking, since out of the hour I spent by the tracks last time, about twenty minutes of that was spent eating and sitting. Now, assuming that I have about time and a half within which to walk, I'd have a total of an hour and a half. So if I hit the tracks at 1:00, and walk for an hour and a half, I'd get back to my starting point about 4:00. No good. So I guess I've still only got maybe an hour of walking time.
But that's three miles I can go, not counting time spent taking pictures... but that's negligible. All in all, I just did the math in Google Earth, I end up walking the better part of the walkable distance on those tracks in one day. That said, the last time I spent less than an hour walking, and made it significantly less than three miles. In fact, I barely even made it .8 miles. This is a big problem. So, I guess a week from today will be the big test to see how well I can gauge my walking speed. I'm pretty sure it was 3 miles an hour... considering I did two and a half in 40-45 minutes pretty regularly, it might even be faster than that. We'll just see, won't we? Not something for the faint of heart, I guess.
So, Greenway South, the 6th of November, 2007. I might not have pictures, I've heard that November in Vancouver is pretty rainy. So... with luck, I will. Without it... I may not even take the hike. But now that it comes to it, I'll want this to be a rain or shine sort of affair. After all, rain won't wait if it comes when I'm on the road to Duluth, now will it?
Vancouver branch, over and out.
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